
Dynamic CTA Task assignment to a second user based off dynamic CTA Owner User record

  • 30 March 2020
  • 2 replies


In the ‘email assist’ tokenization of a CTA task, we can pull through a number of valuable fields based on records related to the ‘Call to Action → Assignee’. For example, ‘Call to Action → Assignees Manager  (Formula: JBCXM__Assignee__r.user_manager)’ allows us to pull through the name of the manager of the user assigned to the CTA.

This type of lookup is not available at the Task Owner assignment configuration and we’d love to see this happen.

Task Owner options - does not include ‘Call to Action → Assignee’ options, only this ‘CTA Owner’ option:



To bring in additional fields to use during email assist we have a number of lookup fields from the User Profile of the Assignee of the Call to Action.  This is great because we can pull through and tokenize things like the Assignee’s first name, their manager, and that user’s custom booking link.


Call to Action → Assignee

Call to Action → Assignee First Name (JBCXM__Assignee__r.FirstName)

Call to Action → Assignee Manager (JBCXM__Assignee__r.user_manager)

Call to Action → Assignee’s Booking Link (JBCXM__Assignee__r.bookinglink)


However, when building a playbook, you can only select “Choose CTA Owner if this will be dynamic or pick a static name from list of users”. I’d like to be able to assign to the CTA Owner’s manager by pulling off Call to Action →  related values.


Support article:


2 replies

Hi Nora,

Thanks a lot for sharing this. Quick question: So do you want to assign the task to the manager of the CTA….or is the main use-case to be able to use the manager details in the email content?


I want to be able to dynamically assign the Task to the CTA’s Assignee’s Manager. 


In email assist this is possible via a custom lookup field on the Call to Action object: Call to Action → Assignee Manager’s (Look up field: JBCXM__Assignee__r.user_manager).


I want to be able to select that same option when assigning the Task.  However, the only option that pulls from the CTA object is the ‘CTA Owner’.

