Ability to undelete an engagement

Related products: PX Engagements

When you delete an engagement, it would be helpful if the engagement went to a “trash” or “archive” area instead of being completely deleted. Administrators could then go to that area and undelete engagements.

Accidents can happen where someone accidentally deletes the wrong engagement. This feature would make it easy to reverse deletion. 

I found that if you are looking at the list of engagements, it is possible to archive engagements - and then get those engagements back from the archive.

However, if you are working on an engagement, it is possible to accidentally click the wrong “trash” icon and delete an engagement instead of deleting a tooltip or dialog in the engagement. Perhaps when you are working on an engagement, the engagement-level action should be to archive. You can always delete from the archive, if needed.

@aharkut could you pl take a look?

Hi @mmarques , we are looking into this and will try and solve this use-case.

Hi @mmarques , we are looking into this and will try and solve this use-case.

Thanks, @aharkut

I just accidentally deleted an engagament, so something like a trash bin to restore those would be good.