Heatmap Export small/tiny poor quality

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Hi there,

We utilize the Heatmap to show our Success Plan Items and their categories - we like to send this out to our colleagues by taking an export of the image. However the image is very small 0.7 MP - where the recommended size for emails or ppts is almost 2 MP.

I'm not sure if there is much use for a .7MP image - which is basically a screenshot.

Is there anyway there could be a secondary option to download a better quality of the image - or perhaps email a better quality.

Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for sharing your use case for heatmaps in Success Plan presentations! Can you tell us a bit more about where you're exporting the heat map report from? Is it from a dashboard, or the report builder itself? Is it the text labels that are too small for use in the PPT?

If you don't mind attaching the image file (feel free to blur any sensitive data), that could also help us troubleshoot potentially.



Hi Lila,

I created our CSMs a "My Success Plans" Dashboard,They can filter down to each company/product/Category.

The export is taken by the CSM directly from the dashboard. The Text Labels being so small is what is causing an issue. We copy it into a Word Doc and if any colleagues request more information we Share the Success Plan with them directly (works well)

However, the CSMs have been using Paint to create a text box overlay to make the text appear larger - a step that they don't necessarily want to do everytime.

*haven't been able to upload a screenshot*

Here are links to the photos.

Heatmap Success Plan View


"My Success Plans" Dashboard (CSM View)


Thanks for the additional info -- I had a feeling it was those tiny text labels in particular!

Hi Rebecca,


We want to give admins the ability to modify the properties of every element on chart (Chart Editor). This is on our medium-term roadmap. With this capability, you can modify the font size of the data labels as well.  


Will this work for your scenario? The idea is to make a report better looking before exporting it.